About Wheatgrass

Dr. Chris Reynolds, an Australian medical practitioner, is the only doctor we are aware of anywhere who, when he first stumbled on the healing effects of wheatgrass, had the vision to develop the wheatgrass products available on this website. Undoubtedly, he leads the world in his clinical experience, scientific knowledge and understanding of how wheatgrass and other cereals can have such beneficial effects.

Please go to Dr. Chris’ website for the most comprehensive coverage available of what wheatgrass can do to heal and help keep you healthy.

There are a number books available about wheatgrass. We recommend Steve Meyerowitz’s “Wheatgrass – Nature’s Finest Medicine” as an excellent starting point. It includes several references to Dr. Chris Reynolds in recognition of the pioneering work he has performed researching and expounding the therapeutic benefits of wheatgrass.

A large body of medical and scientific research regarding the therapeutic benefits of wheatgrass and other cereal grasses has accumulated since the early 1930’s. (View journal abstracts)

If you search under “Chlorophyll” and “Chlorophyllin” you will find numerous studies and reports. However, as Dr. Chris Reynolds, our Medical Director says, “Chlorophyll is highly unlikely to have any biological activity in humans.”

Science doesn’t seem to have registered that fact, and continues researching chlorophyll to see what makes it tick.

***Please go to Dr. Chris Reynolds’ website – A Doctor’s Guide To Wheatgrass Healing to view many ways wheatgrass can assist the healing process.

I haven’t used the pulp or fresh wheatgrass juice on patients so I can’t give an informed response. I have however heard and read of a number of reports of healing using the juice. For instance in the United States in the 1930’s, wheat and other cereal grass extracts were used for the effective treatment of sinusitis. This was in the pre-antibiotic days when sinus infections frequently spread to the brain often causing fatal meningitis.

In one study of 2,000 patients, the pulp derived from juicing cereal grasses was inserted into the patients’ sinus cavities and all of them recovered.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

***Please go to Dr. Chris Reynolds’ website – A Doctor’s Guide To Wheatgrass Healing to view many ways wheatgrass can assist the healing process.

Wheat allergies are usually due to gluten which comes from the actual wheat seed. Our wheatgrass extract is produced from young, vital wheatgrass sprouts before the new wheat seed is formed. Dr Wheatgrass Supershots are therefore gluten-free.

Please note: If you are concerned about wheat allergies, we recommend you consult your doctor/allergist or nutritional consultant before adding anything new to your diet, including Dr Wheatgrass Supershots.

***Please go to Dr. Chris Reynolds’ website – A Doctor’s Guide To Wheatgrass Healing to view many ways wheatgrass can assist the healing process.

No, not at all.

Much of wheatgrass marketing attributes the health-giving properties of wheatgrass juice to its nutritional content and chlorophyll. However, my view differs considerably.

In 1995, I discovered that chlorophyll most likely has little or no biological activity in humans. You can read more about this on my Wheatgrass Healing website.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.


Yes, you can, and many do every day when it is actually unnecessary. A little wheatgrass goes a long way.

Some people may develop mild nausea and/or diarrhea if they drink too much wheatgrass juice or Supershots. It is best to not take more than 5mls. daily – and it will still work well for you.

***Please go to Dr. Chris Reynolds’ website – A Doctor’s Guide To Wheatgrass Healing to view many ways wheatgrass can assist the healing process.